About Dr. Millie Lytle
Millennia Ruth Lytle ND, MPH and CNS (inactive); A licensed Naturopathic Doctor, Personal Growth and Relationship Coach. After 15 years of practice I merged my training and interests in creating courses and programs that empower women for radical self-care in the areas of mind-body and spirit; personal growth, empowerment, chronic disease prevention, nutrition and relationships.
My main goal is to empower clients to empower themselves and self-advocate in their health, wellness, vitality and happiness. Self-care is the upper echelon of disease prevention, since most prevention and treatment activities happen in and around the home. Using a combination of new and old technologies, mind-body development, spirituality, human physiology, neuroplasticity, scientific nutrition and extra sensory perceptions to get to the root cause of your own crisis.
I’ve worked integratively with Dr Martin Katzman, MD, FCPP at the S.T.A.R.T. Clinic for Mood and Anxiety Disorders in Toronto and the Integrative Primary Care Program with Dr Martin Erhlich MD and Tournesol Wellness, in New York City.
I hold an undergraduate degree in women’s health (sociology + preMed) from the University of Toronto and a four-year doctorate diploma from the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine (2002). I am trained in cognitive behavioral therapy and psychodynamic psychotherapy and certified in Erickonian Hypnotherapy. In 2008, I received a scholarship from the Robert Bosch Foundation to study Complementary and Alternative Research Methodologies in Potsdam. Following this I went on to complete an International Master’s in Public Health in Hamburg, Germany. In 2013, I earned of Certified as a Nutrition Specialist with the BCNS.
I am a published researcher on a variety of clinical and health-systems based topics.
Always innovating, I maintain a social media presence, and have created such programs as Eating for Meaning, a paradigm-shifting nutrition program to transform your relationship to food. I am a former Medical Advisory Board member for the School of Applied Functional Medicine, and an past faculty member at the New York Open Center. I was Head of Coaching at Mymee, Inc. a digital platform and coaching program that seeks to reverse autoimmune symptoms through trigger identification.
I am available for speaking engagements, and consultations for startups, corporate and institutional research. Current and past clients are School of Applied Functional Medicine, Cavu Ventures, American BioSciences Inc., Idea Couture for Pepsi Co, and the University of Copenhagen. I am a licensed ND with the District of Columbia, a certified nutrition specialist with the BCNS (inactive) and a former member of the New York Association of Naturopathic Physicians (NYANP).
Licensed by the District of Columbia Department of Health – Number NP-0057
Nutrametrix Licensed Health Professional
Head of Coaching - Mymee, Inc.
Advisory Board for BeatCancer.org
New York Association of Naturopathic Physicians – NYANP Professional Member
NPLEX Clinical Science Examinations Writing Team - 2015-2016
Graduate of the University of Hamburg of Applied Sciences, Germany (MPH), 2010
Co-founder of the Association of Perinatal Naturopathic Doctors (APND), 2002-2006
Graduate of The Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine (ND), 2002
Graduate of the University of Toronto (Sociology and preMed), 1998
2023. Lytle M, De Jesus M, Bundy N, Dyrhberg M. A Self-Evidence-Driven Personalized Trial & Care Platform Correlates the Exposome to Persistent Autoimmune Rheumatic Symptoms and Improves Health Related Quality of Life .IFM Poster Library. June 2023; 384985.
2023. Bundy N, De Jesus M, Lytle M, Calabrese L, Gobin C, Dyhrberg M. Self-evidence-based digital care programme improves health-related quality of life in adults with a variety of autoimmune diseases and long COVID: a retrospective study. RMD Open. 2023 May;9(2):e003061.
2022. Kaul U, Scher C, Henderson CR Jr, Kim P, Dyhrberg M, Rudin V, Lytle M, Bundy N, Reid MC. A mobile health + health coaching application for the management of chronic non-cancer pain in older adults: Results from a pilot randomized controlled study. Front Pain Res (Lausanne). 2022 Jul 25;3:921428.
2021. Lytle M, Bundy N, Dyhrberg M. A Digital Care Program Improves Health Related Quality of Life in COVID Long Haulers. Institute of Functional Medicine Annual International Conference iPoster. Jun 2021.
2020. Rudin V, Lubow E, Bundy N, Culjat M, Dyhrberg M. Digital Therapeutic Platform for Management of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus. In Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc. July 2020.
2019. Digital Therapeutic to Improve Quality of Life in Inflammatory Bowel Disease. Lytle, Culjat and Bundy. Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation of America IBD Innovate 2019. New York, NY.
2012. Community Health Networking-Works! Fireside Chats. Addressing Provider Shortage in Underserviced Areas: The role of traditional, complementary and alternative medicine (TCAM) providers in Canadian rural healthcare. Hollenberg D & Lytle M.
2011. The Canadian Association of Naturopathic Doctors (CAND) presents Health Fusion. June 24-26, 2011. Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) Integration in Public Health Care: A Grounded Theory Approach to Evidence and Issues of Naturopathic Doctor Presence in Community Health Centers in Toronto, Canada. Lytle M. Calgary Alberta (Canada) found at www.cand.ca/fileadmin/cand/Health_Fusion/HF11/HF11_pres.zip
2010. Infectious Disease Epidemiology: Human Papilloma Virus and its Relevance for Public Health-presenting the evidence. Emenyi L, Lytle M, Martens J, Van Lant J, Wehkamp K. From the Faculty of Life Science, Department of Health Science, The University of Hamburg of Applied Sciences, Lohbruegger Kirchestrasse 65, 21033 Hamburg (Germany).
2009. Public Health Action Cycle: Simulated WHO Consult to Develop a Coordinated Lifestyle Strategy for the Prevention of HPV-related Conditions. Lytle M. From the Faculty of Life Science, Department of Health Science, The University of Hamburg of Applied Sciences, Lohbruegger Kirchestrasse 65, 21033 Hamburg (Germany).
2009 Public Information Series: Orthomolecular Medicine & Mental Health. February 8. The Food for Mood Diet. Lytle M. Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE). Toronto, Ontario (Canada).
2009 Canadian Psychiatry Association (CPA) 59th Annual Conference. August 25-27. The Efficacy of Adjunct Acupuncture Treatment in Secondary Sexual Dysfunction: A Pilot Study. Lytle M, et al. St. John's Newfoundland (Canada).
2008 Social Phobia Support Group of Ontario. May 7. Influence of Diet on Social Phobia; presentation of research. Centre for Addictions and Mental Health (CAM-H). Lytle, M. Toronto Ontario (Canada).
2009 Anxiety Disorders of America Association (ADAA) Annual Conference. Anxiety and Health: Translating Research into Practice. March 12-15. Efficacy of Adjunct Acupuncture Treatment in Secondary Sexual Dysfunctioning. Lytle M, et al. Santa Ana Pueblo, New Mexico (USA).
2008 1st International Conference on Integrative, Complementary and Alternative Medicine (ICAM) and Mental Health, May 23-25. Efficacy of Acupuncture Treatment in Secondary Sexual Dysfunctioning. Lytle M, et al. Toronto, Ontario (Canada).
2002 HANP Homeopathic Case Conference ~ 15th Annual. Cured Cases in Women’s Health. May 2002. Case Study and Presentation of Magnesium Phosphoricum; student presentations. Lytle M. Homeopathic Association of Naturopathic Physicians, Tukwila, Washington, USA.
Journal Articles
Long COVID in Kids: The New Mono? The connections are worth exploring. https://www.eatthis.com/news-long-covid-kids-mono-link/
Sure Signs You May Have Long COVID, Say Experts ...and how to minimize your symptoms. https://www.eatthis.com/news-long-covid-sure-signs-experts/
Eating for Meaning: A paradigm shift into individual nutrition. https://naturalpath.net/food/eating-for-meaning-a-paradigm-shift-into-individual-nutrition/
Obesogens and Estrogen Dominance. https://naturalpath.net/environmental-toxins/obesogens-and-estrogen-dominance/
What Makes Superfoods Super? https://naturalpath.net/food/makes-superfoods-super/
Reversing the Healing Deficit; How to encourage the body to heal. https://naturalpath.net/body/reversing-the-healing-deficit-how-to-encourage-the-body-to-heal/
OBESOGENS AND CANCER RISK WITH DR MILLIE LYTLE AT THE NATURAL CANCER PREVENTION SUMMIT. https://naturalpath.net/natural-news/obesogens-and-cancer-risk-with-dr-millie-lytle-at-the-natural-cancer-prevention-summit/
Naturopathic Perspective; Evaluation of WHO’s study of red and processed meat. https://naturalpath.net/natural-news/iarc-monographs-evaluate-consumption-of-red-meat-and-processed-meat/
Anti-Aging is More Than Vanity: The Epigenetics and Nutrigenomics Basis for Living 120 years. http://ndnr.com/anti-aging/anti-aging-is-more-than-vanity/
The food for mood diet: a literature review, highlight of principles, and initial study design. http://ndnr.com/botanical-medicine/the-food-for-mood-diet
The New Fibromyalgia Part 1. https://naturalpath.net/body/pain-medicine/new-fibromyalgia-part-1/
The New Fibromyalgia Part 2. https://naturalpath.net/body/pain-medicine/new-fibromyalgia-part-2/
B Khamba, M Aucoin, M Lytle, …M Katzman. Efficacy of Acupuncture Treatment of Sexual Dysfunction Secondary to Antidepressants. Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine. Volume: 19 Issue 11: November 19, 2013.
D Hollenberg, M Lytle, R Walji, K Cooley. Provider Shortage in Underserviced Areas: The role of traditional, complementary and alternative medicine (TCAM) providers in Canadian rural healthcare. European Journal of Integrative Medicine. Volume 5, Issue 1: February 2013, Pages 15-26.
•Eating for Meaning Workbook. CreateSpace, An Amazon Company. 2014.
•Eating for Meaning Guide to Detox. CreateSpace, An Amazon Company. 2014.
•7 Signs That Show Your Detox Routine Is Actually Working. https://www.curejoy.com/content/signs-that-show-detox-is-working/
•A New Way To Detox: Eat To Support 6 Organs Of Elimination. https://www.mindbodygreen.com/0-27004/a-new-way-to-detox-eat-to-support-6-organs-of-elimination.html
•6 Meditations for Personal Transformation. https://www.rewireme.com/wellness/6-meditations-personal-transformation/
•6 Reasons You are Frustrated with Food. https://www.opencenter.org/6-reasons-you-are-frustrated-with-food/
•From Leaky Gut to Normal Gut Function. https://www.opencenter.org/from-leaky-gut-to-normal-gut-function/
•Fight Alzheimer’s Disease with These Brain-Boosting Nutrients. https://www.opencenter.org/fight-alzheimers-disease-with-these-brain-boosting-nutrients/
•A Timeline of Your Body After One Can of Coca Cola. https://www.opencenter.org/a-timeline-of-your-body-after-one-can-of-coca-cola/
•Healthy Recipe: Chia Pudding. https://www.opencenter.org/healthy-recipe-chia-pudding/
•13 Common (but Hidden) Symptoms of Food Sensitivities. https://www.opencenter.org/13-common-but-hidden-symptoms-of-food-sensitivites/
•The Science behind a Gluten-Free Diet: Is Non-Celiac Gluten Sensitivity (NCGS) Evidence-Based Medicine? https://www.invitehealth.com/article-non-celiac-gluten-sensitivity.html
•Nutrition and Fibromyalgia. https://www.invitehealth.com/ARTICLE-nutrition-and-fibromyalgia.html
•Obesogens and Liver Detox. https://www.invitehealth.com/article-obesogens-and-liver-detox.html
•Electrolytes for Muscle Recovery. https://www.invitehealth.com/article-electrolytes-for-muscle-recovery.html
•Human Papilloma Virus: Why Clinical Nutrition is Imperative. https://www.invitehealth.com/ARTICLE-HPV-and-clinical-nutrition.html
• Stress, Cortisol and The Food for Mood Diet. https://www.invitehealth.com/ARTICLE-stress-cortisol-food-for-mood-diet.html
• Last Year’s Most Overlooked Nutrient is poised to Win Vitamin of the Year in 2014. https://www.invitehealth.com/ARTICLE-2014-vitamin-of-the-year.html
•Unclaimed Antioxidants: How Superfoods and their Nutrients Heal Us. https://www.invitehealth.com/ARTICLE-antioxidants-superfoods-nutrients-millie-lytle.html
•Osteoporosis; More than Calcium Deficiency. https://www.invitehealth.com/article-osteoporosis-more-than-calcium-deficiency.html
•Iatrogenesis: When getting sick comes from your cholesterol medications. https://www.invitehealth.com/ARTICLE-iatrogenesis.html
•Demulcents and Mucilages: True Digestive Healers. https://www.invitehealth.com/article-demulcents-and-mucilages-true-healers.html
•The Nutritional Role of Cancer Prevention Through Epigenetics. https://www.invitehealth.com/ARTICLE-epigenetics.html
• Longevity Syndrome: A Condition You Want. https://www.invitehealth.com/article-longevity-syndrome.html
• The Histamine Connection: Food and Environmental Allergies. https://www.invitehealth.com/article-food-and-environmental-allergies.html
•The Power of Tea. https://www.invitehealth.com/article-the-power-of-tea.html
•Body pH: Acid-base Balance and Alkaline diet. https://www.invitehealth.com/article-body-ph-acid-base-balance-and-alkaline-diet.html
•Nutrigenomics for Prostate Health. https://www.invitehealth.com/ARTICLE-nutrigenomic-prostate-dr-millie-lytle.html
•The Wonders of Flaxseeds. https://www.invitehealth.com/article-flax-seed-dr-millie.html
• Green Drinks for Maximum Nutrition. https://www.invitehealth.com/ARTICLE-green-drinks-for-maximum-nutrition.html
https://effectiveremedies.com/home-remedies-for-diabetes/ https://effectiveremedies.com/home-remedies-for-rosacea/ https://effectiveremedies.com/home-remedies-for-uti/ https://www.stylecraze.com/articles/foods-to-eat-for-a-healthy-liver/ https://www.stylecraze.com/articles/foods-to-eat-for-a-healthy-liver/ https://www.stylecraze.com/articles/top-vitamin-c-rich-foods/
https://www.stylecraze.com/articles/digestive-enzymes/ https://www.stylecraze.com/articles/effective-home-remedies-to-treat-stomach-burning/ https://www.stylecraze.com/articles/home-remedies-for-food-poisoning/ https://www.stylecraze.com/articles/effective-home-remedies-to-get-relief-from-indigestion/ https://www.stylecraze.com/articles/effective-home-remedies-for-curing-stomach-bloating/ https://www.stylecraze.com/articles/effective-home-remedies-to-cure-sour-stomach/ https://www.stylecraze.com/articles/best-probiotic-foods/ https://www.stylecraze.com/articles/heat-stroke-home-remedies/ https://www.stylecraze.com/articles/effective-home-remedies-for-gastritis/ https://www.stylecraze.com/articles/is-prune-juice-an-effective-remedy-for-constipation/ https://www.stylecraze.com/articles/home-remedies-to-get-rid-of-diarrhoea/ https://www.stylecraze.com/articles/electrolyte-imbalance/ https://www.stylecraze.com/articles/home-remedies-to-treat-eye-bags/#gref
About Naturopathic Medicine
Naturopathic medicine is the art and science of natural medicine. It generally focuses on root cause resolution, prevention, the healing capacity of the organism and chronic disease reversals related to:
Mind-Body connection
The Standard American Diet - factory farmed plants and animals
It is licensed in approximately 20 states and 6 Canadian provinces. If you would like to be referred to a Naturopathic Doctor in your location visit the NYANP in New York, or AANP for national listings.
People who seek a Naturopathic Doctor often wish to get to the bottom of issues surrounding their
Diet and food choices
Nutrient deficiencies
Drug/Nutrient Interactions
Hormones, menopause and manopause
Viral and bacterial etiology
Metabolism, weight gain, blood Sugar and cholesterol
Heart health, blood pressure and electrolytes
Digestion, leaky gut and detox
Cellular and organ heath
HPV and sexual health
Chronic fatigue, Energy and mitochondrial dysfunction
Stress and endocrine System
Anxiety and depression
Sleep and circadian rhythm
Neurodegenerative disorders
Cancer and complementary care
Functional testing and nutrigenomics
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