Refreshing, from the sea, is how you get a rich source of minerals into your diet- when the soil is depleted. Watery veggies such as cucumber flush the kidneys, as well as kelp and cilantro - master detoxifiers of radiation and heavy metals. Combine with sesame gomasio helps protect the kidneys from fluid loss.
1 package Raw Kelp Noodles
1 bunch asparagus, steamed
1 cucumber
1/2 bunch cilantro
2 tablespoons Gomasio
Ginger dressing
Ginger Dressing
- 1 Tablespoon extra virgin olive oil
- 3 drop toasted sesame oil
- 2 Tablespoons Umeboshi Plum vinegar (or raw apple cider vinegar)
- 1 Tablespoon minced organic ginger
Toss dressing with salad and sprinkle with Gomasio. A healthy detox lunch or dinner.